5 Facebook Marketing Tips

Facebook has evolved over the years from a place to share photos of cats into a network of 1.79 billion active users making it a perfect audience for marketers.
The Facebook marketing platform has completely changed in a relatively short time and staying up to date with changes is vital to an effective marketing strategy. These 7 Facebook marketing tips highlight the features and strategies marketers need to use going forward.

1. Post Video Content Regularly

Video content currently accounts for just 0.9% of all Facebook posts while these same 0.9% of posts account for 7.15% of all reach on the network. Video posts are dominating social media, with Facebook leading as YouTube's largest contender for video uploads. Video marketing is a must and if you have not been using videos, now is the time to begin.
You do not need to be a professional videographer to create content.  All you need is a smart phone, good lighting, and a plan.  Here is a link to a great resource on shooting great videos on your mobile phone.  www.videomaker.com

2.  Use the "Call To Action" Button on Your Page

On your Facebook Business Page, you can add a call to action that sits in the bottom right-hand corner of your cover photo. These buttons include "Learn More", "Book Now", and "Buy Now" and make it easy for followers to take interact with you and your business.  This is a functionality that every marketer should take advantage of.

3.  Respond and Engage

Not only is responding quickly to messages good business practice, Facebook is calculating your message response time into their algorithm. Your response time shows on your page allowing followers to see how quickly you interact with them.
People expect quick responses to comments, messages, and posts.  Responding to these will create brand loyalty and establish a reputation of quality for your business.

4.  Set Up Saved Audiences

Saved Audiences are used to target specific demographics and markets. Facebook's Business Manager allows you to create custom audiences based on your set parameters. This enables you to advertise to specific groups of people.
For example, I recently created an ad for a Vacation Rental Company focusing on several cold-weather destinations.  Based on their known customer demographics, I was able to set up age, location, and interest targets for the ad.  This drew the right audience to the content, drumming up business and attention to the brand.
Test it out.  It is 100% free to set up so you can see your audience size before paying for ads.

5.  Have Fun

This seems like a given, but many business and individuals still do not get the concept that you need to be social on social media. It is not a one-sided marketing platform.  It is intended to allow people around the world could connect with one another.
In order for you to increase your reach, you absolutely must commit to being personal.  Post about what you know and your experiences.   Have fun with it! If you are having fun, there is far more chance that your followers will have fun too.

Contact me by e-mail with any questions that you have regarding Facebook marketing or set up a personal tutorial with me for a complete overview of how to use Facebook as a marketing platform.


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