Social Media Etiquette-Don't Be THAT person

Let's talk social media.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,'s the Wild West of the digital world.  And while the incredibly successful social media users (Top Bloggers, etc.) abide by an unspoken code of etiquette, many users unknowingly make mistakes causing their peers to cringe and shut down reciprocal marketing.

I will attempt to de-mystify the social media code of conduct with these 5 simple rules.  

1.  Give Credit-social media is a recycling bin of content.  This leaves the door wide open for plagiarism and absence of credit where credit is due.  Sharing user-generated content (UGC) is a great way to provide steady content and fresh posts, but giving proper credit is an absolute must.  If you do not, you risk appearing greedy and disrespectful.

2.  Subtilty Matters-Everyone is aware that building a following is the main goal of social media.  On Instagram, commenting on other's posts to get noticed is common practice.  But here is the difference between appropriate and abrasive-Obvious self-promotion.  For example: If a person posts a picture of themselves in a cute sunhat.  The correct way to comment if you are looking to get noticed is a simple, "Adorable!  Just my style."  The incorrect way to comment is: "I have a sunhat like this posted on my page too!  #southernsunhats".  The difference is subtly.  

3.  Tag With Care-Let me be perfectly clear on this one.  Businesses and individuals grow very tired of dealing with tags on posts that have absolutely nothing to do with them and are obvious attempts to gain attention.  If you are doing this, you come across as DESPERATE.  Don't be that person.  Instead, if you are looking to catch the attention of a prominent brand or individual, create content relevant to them.  For example, if your focus is a re-gram from Southern Living, post content that is valuable and relevant to them such as a historic home.  And tag sparingly.  Choose only your best content to tag.  

4.  Be Reciprocal-Actually go beyond reciprocity, and try to give a little more than you take.  The digital world is not a zero-sum game.  Followers are unlimited.  People who view social media as a competition instead of an organic, collaborative world, are missing out.  Find your space and post confidently in that space.  Highlight the fabulousness of others and generously hand out compliments  and likes.

5.  Comment Sparingly-People commenting on every single post from one user is one of my biggest social media pet-peeves.  I want to respond to the comment with, "I understand you are trying to syphon my followers onto your Instagram, but please be more subtle. XOXO".  Again, it is understood that people attempt to gain followers by commenting on other's accounts; a completely acceptable practice.  The quantity and quality of the commenting is the problem.  Be thoughtful and intentional in your commenting.

The main takeaway I hope I have relayed is subtly, subtly, subtly.  Smart subtly.  Desperation is a fast way to alienate people.  Apply a little Southern thinking to your social media approach and don't be THAT person.


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